This morning, I decided that I should go to the London office of EDAW (the building shown below).
When I got there, there were about 30 people standing around outside the sidewalk. I had been looking for the address (more about English address systems later) and finally came to the right building. I asked one of the people whether this was number 77 and was told yes and who was I looking for. I said EDAW, and I was told "I’m EDAW… and well, so is everyone else out here on the sidewalk. Apparently, they had a fire in the building this morning and it was still going when I showed up around noon. Many of the EDAW folks had been waiting to get into the building since 8:30 this morning. As I was talking to some of my English coworkers when they were told that they may as well go home because the fire hadn’t been put out yet.
Hence the fire truck.
My time in London has been fantastic. After walking around all day today and yesterday, it feels great to sit and write in the hostel.
Things I love.
1. The architecture. Everywhere I look are fabulous buildings, from the natural history museum to the block with the hostel.
2. The tube. I love the underground. I especially love that I know I can just keep walking and find a station when or if I want one. Plus, they always seem to be in great locations that I’ve only read about. Like: Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, and Green Park. The hostel is about 2 blocks away from a tube station and the station is on a great line that leads to all the museums, theatres, Buckingham Palace, and some great parks. I chose well and I didn’t even realize.
3. The parks. There are so many parks everywhere. Or maybe I should say "green spaces" since I loved the cemetery, too. In Hyde Park, except for a far-away building, you couldn’t even guess that you are close to civilization.
Things that make me go hmmm.
1. The signs on the street that tell you to look right… or left… in hopes that you won’t be run over.
2. The private gardens that give the roads their names and that are only accessible to a select few.
3. The addressing system – did I ever tell you how wonderful American addresses are!? They make sense. English addresses on the other hand are crazy! I was looking for London EDAW and I couldn’t find number 77. As I went up the block, the numbers went up. I reached the end of the street and I never saw number 77. So, I started looking on the other side of the street and this is what I found. The numbers on the other side started where the numbers on the first side had stopped. So, I had to walk all the way up one side and then all the way down the other.
And then, I walked back to the hostel. I got a little lost but then I saw the street name on a sign! I walked onto the street with the sign and kept going. After a block or so, I realized that this was not the right street. So, I turned back… and guess what I saw. The below picture shows the street name on TWO streets!!! Okay, I guess not on two streets… they labeled the block! So, I just had to stay on the block and I was fine. I made it back.
Other random cool things…
Motorcycle parking
Blue sky… yes, in London!
They still have telephone booths. I think because they are so cool looking. I didn’t try using one so I’m not sure if they actually work as well as look good.
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